Star Wars: 10 Greatest Emperor Palpatine Moments
5. Lies To Vader

When Vader talks to Palpatine for the first time from behind his mask after his physical transformation he asks about what is still most important to him. He asks if Padme is safe. Palpatine lies, and while feigning a sympathetic tone, tells Vader he killed his own wife in his anger.
Vader is incredulous, his heavy mound of misery building further, and in his state of turmoil objects are crushed around him as his emotion bleeds out through the force. He breaks free of the restrains keeping him on the operating table, and stumbles forward with his new legs, crying out in pain.
Palpatine watches this broken abomination he has created; his Frankenstein’s Monster, dragged down from heights of nobility and heroism. This poor creature he has used as a tool, and left broken. On Palpatine’s face, there is no trace of remorse, lamentation, or pity. Instead he wears a smile, which in this moment of horror is the mark of a true monster.