Star Wars: 10 Greatest Emperor Palpatine Moments
2. Liberty Dies

This takes place after Anakin has fallen to the dark side, and Order 66 is already in effect. Chancellor Palpatine portrays to the chamber of surrounding politicians his fabricated story of the Jedi plot to overthrow the senate. He vilifies the Jedi thoroughly, and assures the senators ‘the remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated’.
He uses his deformed appearance as evidence of the Jedi making an attempt to assassinate him, and announces the reformation of the Republic into ‘the first galactic empire, for safe and secure society.’
Surrounded by crowds of peers cheering at the erosion of their own freedoms, and those of all others whom they are meant to serve, Padme remarks with forlorn resignation, ‘So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.’ As she watches on in her state of lamentation, the new Emperor raises his arms to the crowds, and lets the cheers wash over him in triumph.