Star Wars: 10 Insane Force Powers That Literally Make No Sense

6. Force Drain

The Mandalorian Grogu Force Heal

Potentially one of the most sinister powers Star Wars has to offer is Force Drain. Force Drain is a power closely linked to dark side users, simply because the ability grants the user to remove all life from an organism, until the organism is completely dead.

The most famous practitioner of Force Drain was the ancient Sith Lord, Darth Nihlus, who constantly hungered for Force energy, after he was exposed to the Mass Shadow Generator during the Republic's war against the Mandalorain Neo-Crusaders. Nihlus became a wound in the Force, and constantly used Force Drain to feed his endless hunger. The Sith Lord became so skilful in the ability, that he was able to drain whole planets of life in an instant.

With how exceptionally strong Force Drain can be, the power likely falls under the category with other abilities, like Force Plague, of being moves that are fun to mess around with in Star Wars games, but are too powerful for them to exist in the mainline Star Wars continuity at large, at least in their legends form. Still, a version of Force Drain exists in Star Wars canon. Palpatine used the ability on Rey and Ben Solo to restore his strength in The Rise of Skywalker, and the Dathomirian Witch, Mother Talzin, was able to utilise a form of Force Drain on Count Dooku during the Clone Wars.

Even so, the ability in canon is a shell of its capabilities in legends, luckily for our heroes.


Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.