Star Wars: 10 Massive Plot Holes The Prequels Stupidly Created

3. How Could A Nine Year Old Build An Identikit Robot?

anakin c3po

If what Lucas has said in previous interviews is to be believed (and time has taught us that it€™'s not) the only characters intended to appear in every Star Wars (be it nine or twelve films) are R2-D2 and C-3PO. Because he knew that way back in the eighties, you€™d have imagined their introduction in Episode I would have been a little less slapdash.

Admittedly Artoo€™'s entry was noble, if a bit sudden, but 3PO€™s was just lazy. Turns out the robot who looks like thousands more the galaxy over was created by chance by a ten year old. It'€™s the Star Wars galaxy equivalent of a child making an iPhone indistinguishable from what Apple churns out.

While it is relatively believable that Anakin used the design of typical protocol droid and replicated it because midichlorians are super powerful or something, it€™'s all too convenient. What€™s even more convenient is that Shmi Skywalker managed to finish 3PO perfectly after her son left.

This plot hole was so gaping an attempt was made to control it; at the end of Episode III 3PO€™'s mind is wiped so the naturally chatty droid isn't out of character when he doesn't mention anything about Anakin to Luke. It€™'s the robot equivalent of amnesia.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.