Star Wars: 10 Most Badass Clone Troopers

8. Commander Cody

Star Wars Captain Rex

One of a few clones to appear in live action before the animated show, Commander Cody was one of the more seasoned clone commanders in the Grand Army of the Republic. Leading the 212th Attack Battalion under General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Cody is a by the book leader who gets the job done.

Being a classic military type Cody follows orders and is a loyal soldier. This creates a contrast between him and Rex (who were close friends), as he does not think to question if what he is doing is the right thing. Despite this, Cody valued the lives of his men during the countless battles he fought in over the course of the war.

Although Cody hasn't appeared since the end of The Clone Wars, the opportunity is there for him to return. He almost made his way into rebels to counter Rex and the Ghost Crew.This is still something we could see and it would show the contrast between them further and the different directions they went following the end of the war.


You can find me either behind a camera or a screen. A prolific nerd, videographer and freelance writer - 90% of my brain power goes towards remembering useless trivia and the rest is Film quotes.