Star Wars: 10 Most Badass Clone Troopers

6. Hardcase

Star Wars Captain Rex

The 501st's heavy weapons enthusiast, Hardcase's most notable appearance was in the Umbara Arc in The Clone Wars. Hardcase revels in the chaos of battle but he knows when he is outmatched and outgunned.

Not wanting to see his brothers die an unnecessary death, together with Fives he manages to work out the secrets of the Umbarans' starfighters to use them to their own advantage.

Disobeying the orders of General Pong Krell to save his brothers walking into a slaughter, he helps in the attack on a Separatist command ship, attacking it from the inside, echoing Anakin during the Phantom Menace.

Hardcase opts to stay behind to destroy the ship from the inside and goes out in a fitting explosion only he would be proud of. His sacrifice is remembered in the 501st as the one that won the battle for Umbara.


You can find me either behind a camera or a screen. A prolific nerd, videographer and freelance writer - 90% of my brain power goes towards remembering useless trivia and the rest is Film quotes.