Star Wars: 10 Most Powerful Things Luke Skywalker Ever Did

9. Beat A Squad Of Stormtroopers Without The Force - The Thrawn Trilogy

Luke Skywalker Lightning

Before the sequel trilogy, back when the original three were still young enough that you could have them star in a new trilogy without having to worry about one of them DYING in between production and sending the whole thing into chaos (good times), if you asked most Star Wars fans what the next trilogy should be based around, they would tell you the Thrawn Trilogy. And for good reason - they're the only old EU novels that are genuinely really good.

This is for many reasons, but the one we're focusing on is how they challenged Luke in interesting ways. In the books, we learn about creatures known as Ysalamiri.

What they lacked in a pronounceable name, they more than made up for in the ability to raise a field around themselves that disables the ability to use the force for anyone inside it. So it sure would suck for poor Luke if he accidentally walked into a building with HUNDREDS of the things all over the place, all coming together to make a gigantic one of these fields, wouldn't it?

And just when Luke's day couldn't get worse, stormtroopers show up and - for the first time in years - Luke had to use his wits, skills and training to circumnavigate his enemies without the force to fall back on. It was a harrowing scene, but it made Luke getting out of it okay all the more impressive.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?