Star Wars: 10 Most Powerful Things Luke Skywalker Ever Did

7. Escaped The Death Star TWICE - A New Hope & Return Of The Jedi

Luke Skywalker Lightning

Normally, just managing to escape the Empire's top secret, heavily equipped, elite military space station once wouldn't constitute a spot on a list of powerful feats. But when you do it TWICE, and the second time you're barely even noticed despite lugging the corpse of your dead cyborg father behind you, you're clearly something not to be messed with.

The first time Luke ended up on the Death Star was kind of an accident. Alderaan - their original destination - had already been blown to pieces, and the Death Star drew in the Falcon when they got too close. Luke and pals just barely managed to escape with Princess Leia, and even then, they lost Obi-Wan along the way.

The second time he escaped the Death Star was after he had just wasted both Vader AND the Emperor. And even if you put aside the fact that without their leader, they're likely not getting paid, so why bother, the Death Star was minutes away from exploding AGAIN, so the staff on board had way bigger fish to fry than dealing with the space hippie dragging around cyborg James Earl Jones.

Luke managed to get in and out of the most secure space station in the entire Galactic Empire twice, both times receiving minimal casualties (at least in comparison to the LAST group of rebels who messed with the Death Star) and getting away unscathed. If that isn't a powerful feat, what is?

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?