Star Wars: 10 Most Ridiculous Stories From The Expanded Universe

6. Skippy The Jedi Droid

Palpatine Clones

Remember when Luke and his hard ass Uncle buy some secondhand droids from the Jawas in A New Hope? They grab C-3PO because he can talk to automated watering cans or something and settle for the rolling trash can R5-D4, a red and white astromech whose name is Skippy for some reason.

Of course, Skippy literally blows up and Uncle Owen berates the Jawas for being shifty salesmen before taking R2-D2 instead. According to Star Wars Tales #1, none of this was by sheer coincidence. Instead, this comic posits that Skippy was able to use the Force, thanks to some midichlorians that were in his lubricant. Skippy used his Force powers to help him stay out of trouble on Jabba’s barge until he was able to escape, only to be captured by Jawas later on.

When Luke and Uncle Owen try to buy him, Skippy has a vision that shows him that the Rebellion will fail, that is unless Luke takes R2-D2. So Skippy sacrifices himself by popping his top and uses his Force powers to influence C-3PO to suggest taking R2-D2 instead. While Skippy’s selfless act is written for laughs (it constantly riffs on the source material), a "Force sensitive droid is as ridiculous as intelligent microscopic organisms that live symbiotically inside the cells of all living things, hey, wait a second..."


Ryan Lynch is a freelance journalist from the United States. He currently lives in Adelaide, Australia and writes for Adelaide-based music magazine Rip It Up. He wishes he could live like Hank Moody, but he watches too much TV and plays too many videogames to be that nonchalant.