Star Wars: 10 Most Ridiculous Stories From The Expanded Universe

3. Gwar Is Immune To The Force

Palpatine Clones
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Look, we get it. Trying to come up with enemies that can stand a chance against space wizards with laser swords is hard, especially since those space wizards can seemingly control people’s minds with a wave of the hand. It explains why we saw so many clones and re-hashes of old enemies, baddies simply can’t stand up to the Jedi.

The only way they were taken down in the prequel trilogy was from within, and that’s because all of the Jedi (and the audience) were confused about why the movies they were in were so crappy. In the New Jedi Order series of novels, a race of grotesque aliens resembling members of the heavy metal band Gwar decide to invade the galaxy.

The Yuuzhan Vong exist “outside” of the Force, meaning that they conveniently are immune to Jedi mind tricks. In addition, they wear armor crafted from crabs that can resist a lightsaber blade. Oh, and also, their weapons are semi-sentient snake-like things that can spit acid and also resist lightsaber blades. Despite appearing in the longest running Expanded Universe story arc comprising nineteen novels, the Yuuzhan Vong read like the creation of that kid who doesn’t like to lose, so he has some ridiculous explanation for why your attacks wouldn’t hurt him. Every single time.


Ryan Lynch is a freelance journalist from the United States. He currently lives in Adelaide, Australia and writes for Adelaide-based music magazine Rip It Up. He wishes he could live like Hank Moody, but he watches too much TV and plays too many videogames to be that nonchalant.