Star Wars: 10 Obscure Movie Secrets That Took Years To Discover

8. What Was The Millennium Falcon Doing In The Prequels?

Star Wars Attack of the Clones Homer Simpson

The Millennium Falcon is the most iconic space ship in all of cinema. The scuffed-up hunk-of-Corellian-junk might not look like much, but you better believe it's one of the fastest ships in the galaxy, and can even time travel, if Han Solo's Kessel Run boast is to be believed.

There were several nods to the Falcon during the prequels that were so brief it would take several rewatches, and some eagles-eyes to pick up on. Firstly, during the Attack of the Clones two Corellian Freighters of the same make as the Falcon can be spotted at the space port of Naboo when Anakin arrives with Padmé. Now, these weren't the Falcon, the freighter model was fairly common at the time.

However, another appearance of the freighter in Revenge of the Sith can be spotted, gliding into a space port on Coruscant, and this time it was confirmed to be the ship Solo would one day obtain. So what was it doing at this time, you ask? In the expanded universe it was revealed that during the Clone Wars the ship was called the "Stellar Envoy". It was used by the Republic Group, a covert organisation working against Palpatine, disguised as a holding company.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.