Star Wars: 10 Reasons The Galactic Empire Wasn't As Bad As Everyone Thinks

9. They Don€™t Needlessly Kill Aliens

Much has been made in the expanded universe about Palpatine€™s apparent hatred for alien species, but despite his apparent preference for humans, the Empire is never shown to kill, hurt or subjugate any other species. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Darth Vader is perfectly happy to hire bounty hunters of all backgrounds to search for Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon, while all other aliens shown throughout the movies appear to be living normal lives much like their human counterparts. One of the highest-ranking officers, and more influential to the Emperor, was Grand Admiral Thrawn, who managed to achieve the highest rank possible in the Imperial Navy despite the fact that he was a Chiss. Perhaps the best example is on Endor, the Ewoks appear to be living a perfectly happy life despite the large Stormtrooper presence in the area. They are living in very close proximity to the Imperial base on the forest moon and yet don€™t fear humans at all, as evident from the fact that they are happy to interact with Leia and the others. The Rebels on the other hand use C-3PO to trick them into siding with them and launching an attack on the Stormtroopers for their own ends, which leads to devastating losses for the poor creatures.

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