Star Wars: 10 Reasons The Galactic Empire Wasn't As Bad As Everyone Thinks

7. It€™s Fairer Than The Old Republic

If you€™ve watched the movies, you€™ll be aware of how the Clone Wars came about. There was a separatist movement where certain planets and systems were looking to leave the Republic, so that they could set up their own government. However, the senate didn€™t approve of that and quickly moved to prevent them from leaving, despite the fact they are apparently a democratic organisation. Some of the separatists are working for Count Dooku but this is unknown to the Republic at first, and even so other members of the movement may well be sincere in their wishes rather than simply bending to the will of the Sith. There is no reason for a democratic organisation to be so hostile to members wanting to be in charge of their own affairs. However, the Empire seems perfectly reasonable in allowing outposts and facilities to remain outside of their control as long as they are not trying to attack or destabilise them. Even when the leaders at Bespin are shown to be working with Rebels, Darth Vader is prepared to leave them independent. For all of their apparent hatred and wrongdoing, the Empire is never seen to attack or harm anyone not directly involved in the rebellion. Perhaps if Leia and gang had left to set up their own government outside of the Empire they would have been left to their own devices.

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