Star Wars: 10 Secrets Of The Millennium Falcon You Need To Know

8. Contrary To Popular Belief, It DOES Have A Bathroom

Millennium Falcon Star Wars

One of the most frequently debated aspects of the Falcon is its lavatorial facilities - namely, does it even have a bathroom at all?

The big issue is that it's extremely common for ship schematics in sci-fi media to quietly forget to include toilets, and some of the earlier official blueprints for the Falcon indeed made no reference to the ship having even a single bathroom.

But more recent documentation thankfully confirms that Han and his crewmates don't need to make a stop-off every time that nature calls, with the bathroom being referred to in nautical terms as the "head."

Oddly, though, the toilet is located literally right next to the galley - that is, the kitchen. Speaking of which...


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