Star Wars: 10 Secrets Of The Stormtrooper You Didn't Know

9. What That Cylinder On The Back Of Their Armour Was

Stormtrooper Secrets Star Wars Wet Weather Trooper Death Trooper

Now for the answer you've been waiting for ever since you first saw these white-plated warriors scurry onto the scene in 1977's Star Wars. What the hell is that weird little cylinder on the back of a stormtrooper's armour for?

Is it just a nice little container for them to store their rations in? Was it just a useless piece of plastic added onto their outfit to make them look cool?

Nope, this was actually a pretty effective weapon hiding in plain sight.

That's right, that white cylinder was actually a super cool explosive.

What made this Baradium-core code key thermal detonator, as it's called in the Expanded Universe, so fascinating, is the fact that they could only be activated if you possessed the right code. 

Meaning that if a pesky Rebel managed to get their hands on your Baradium-core, they wouldn't be able to use that baby against you. And even if they did stumble on that all-important code, the buttons on the weapon being unlabelled - the troopers had memorised the pattern of activation - meant they would have zero clue how to even smash them in properly.


Also, the detonator's time settings could be adjusted, giving stormtroopers anywhere from six to eighteen seconds to reach a safe distance away from the explosion.

What a handy little tool.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...