Star Wars: 10 Secrets Of The Stormtrooper You Didn't Know

4. Just How Many Specialised Troopers There Are

Stormtrooper Secrets Star Wars Wet Weather Trooper Death Trooper

Now, you're no doubt aware that the Empire didn't just solely rely on their standard stormtroopers to get the job done.

Along with unleashing everything from AT-ATs, to TIE fighters depending on what scenario they found themselves in, the evil group also had a trooper for all occasions, too.

And while you've likely seen the likes of the Death, Coastal Defender, and Cold Weather Assault Troopers on-screen over the decades, there's a strong chance you didn't realise just how many different variations of the specialised soldiers there actually secretly were in the Empire's ranks.

Crimson Troopers (trained to deal with volcanic locations), Cave Troopers (equipped to manage dark areas), Space Troopers (yep, they wandered around the surface of the Death Star), and even Night Troopers (pretty much zombie soldiers!) are just a few of the super specific and unique warriors the Imperial army have to offer.

In total, there's a staggering 38 different stormtrooper variants that have operated in the galaxy far, far away (so far), proving that the Empire really did have a trooper for every situation.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...