Star Wars: 10 Side Characters Who Totally Stole Their Scenes
2. Salacious B. Crumb - Return Of The Jedi (1983)

Honestly, this entire list could be filled by characters from Jabba's palace. The Hutt has quite an impressive posse of quirky characters and oddball creatures lining the edges of every scene he's in. But the one that takes the cake for being memorable is a little gremlin sitting on Jabba's flab: Salacious Crumb.
Salacious B. Crumb does not do a whole lot in the scene. All he does is laugh obnoxiously at everything Jabba says, like he's the Tatooine equivalent of a sitcom laugh track. The laughter is extremely off-putting, and it keeps remiding us how Jabba has the upper hand in every scene. Jabba may be relatively calm as far as antagonists go, but Crumb makes up for it by being as smug as possible whenever Luke and company are in a tight spot.
Fan opinions on Crumb tend to be divided - some love him, many hate him (though obviously not with the same levels of derision reserved for Jar Jar Binks). But regardless, you cannot deny that Jabba's palace would not be the same without his shrill cackling.