Star Wars: 10 Strongest Female Characters

9. Aurra Sing

Born on the crime-ridden moon of Nar Shaddaa to a Spice-addicted single mother, Aurra Sing was a Jedi apprentice who was later abandoned by her Master when thought dead. After this abandonment, Sing developed a burning hatred of the Jedi and used her training to become a dangerous bounty hunter, being trained by the Anzati (assassins who suck out the brains of their prey), and having an antenna implanted in her head that allowed her to taste the fear of her enemies. During the Clone Wars, she helped to orchestrate an almost successful attempt to assassinate Mace Windu and was part of bounty hunter Cad Bane€™s successful raid on the Senate and rescue of crime lord Ziro the Hutt. As well as that, she fought Jedi on various other fronts before being captured and imprisoned on the prison world of Oovo IV. She was subsequently pardoned following the rise of the Empire and continued working as a bounty hunter, frequently taking on Imperial contracts and occasionally working with Darth Vader. Sing is a crack shot with a Blaster and a throwing knife as well being a skilled Lightsaber duelist and having a basic but dangerous command of the Force. Her career ultimately spanned over six decades with a long list of kills including famed Jedi Knight Sharad Hett, and a sizable collection of Lightsabers, each taken from the hands of a Jedi she has slain. Sing is tenacious, skilled, and has a burning hatred for Jedi, causing her to hunt them without mercy. And with declarations like €œI will drink your fear and spill your blood, and my hate will scar the galaxy€, you know she€™s someone to stay the hell away from.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.