Star Wars: 10 Things Darth Vader Must Bring To Rogue One

The Dark Lord returns?

As with The Force Awakens, Disney have mostly kept schtum on plot details and specific character information ahead of the release of Anthology movie Rogue One. It's to be expected, but that doesn't mean it needs to be tolerated silently. But even with information at a premium, one exciting prospect is that this movie's timeline can allow for a legendary character to make an appearance: namely Darth Vader. Not having him play some part would effectively be like having cinema history's most iconic character at your disposal and keeping him on ice needlessly. It's just unfathomable. But let's be honest, Disney are no fools: they know the brand power of iconic characters after decades of marketing and merchandising wins, and they know that the Rogue One hype train would be fuelled massively at even the merest hint that Vader will turn up. If he does appear, there€™s a lot of potential to build on what we already know about the character, as well as introducing new elements to add tension to the movie. Here€™s a wish list of thing that we would like to see if he were to appear...

10. The Voice

The very name Darth Vader conjures three immediately iconic memories - the brand of the villain, as it were: first, the uniform, then the respirator breathign and finally the menacing, rich tones of James Earl Jones' voice. Lines like €œI am your father,€ and €œI find your lack of faith disturbing€ resonate with us because of the voice delivering them, and the idea of anyone else replacing Jones is unthinkable. From the original trilogy to Star Wars Rebels, Vader's voice has been delivered courtesy of Jones, and that tradition needs to continue, for fear of diminishing his appeal.

A wry wit writer from Florida, Sean literally bleeds Star Wars. He enjoys spending time with his three kids and indulging in a game of Hearthstone or Magic: The Gathering every now and then.