Star Wars: 10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Darth Maul
5. He Was Always Planned For The Prequels

The first six Star Wars movies weren't particularly heavy on female characters. There's Leia, Padme... uhhh... Mon Mothma... that librarian from Attack of the Clones? The weird CGI singer from Jabba's palace? Is that it?
This was nearly very different, as the name Maul almost went to a very different character.
George Lucas originally planned for an evil witch to be the antagonist of The Phantom Menace, but this idea was eventually scrapped. The closest we got to this vision being realised was Darth Talon, a female Sith who appeared in several Star Wars comics, and the mobile game Galaxy of Heroes.
Although she was a Twi'lek, Talon had red and black skin similar to that of Maul's. She was also going to be teamed up with the twin-blade wielder as the main baddies in one of Lucas' original drafts of the sequel trilogy.
These plans fell through when Lucasfilm got sold, which is a shame, because we might have ended up seeing Darth Maul as a Disney Princess.