Star Wars: 10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Kylo Ren

9. Kylo Ren Is Older Than You Think

Kylo Ren

Judging from the way the terrific Adam Driver petulantly spits his dummy out and explodes across the screen during much of his time in the Star Wars sequels, it's unsurprising that many viewers assumed Kylo Ren was likely only supposed to be in his late teens or early 20s in The Force Awakens.

The fact Daisy Ridley's increasingly powerful Rey was also just 19 years old during that Episode VII debut also suggested her young dark side counterpart was likely of a similar age.

But it turns out that Ren is actually a whopping 10 years older than the other half of the Force dyad, with the grandson of Darth Vader being born in 5 ABY - he was also just a year younger than the fresh-faced 30-year-old Driver during his TFA arrival.

So, while Driver's brilliantly immature and youthful performance may have fooled you into assuming he was just entering his 20s, the truth is that Ren had actually hit the big 3-0 just before his sudden death on Exegol in 35 ABY.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...