Star Wars: 10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About The Empire

8. The Second Death Star Being Built A Lot Quicker Makes Sense

Star Wars TIE Fighter Pilot

Sticking with that final chapter in the original trilogy, Return of the Jedi saw the return of the Empire's planet-killing superweapon, the Death Star.

With that first version of the space station taking a whopping two decades to construct, though, many were understandably quick to question how the Empire was able to mostly build another just four years after that original Death Star was destroyed.

Now sure, this second gigantic sphere wasn't actually completed by the time the Rebels arrived to explode it, but it was still operational enough to cause chaos with its laser.

After spending years secretly developing and gradually building that first devastating weapon and its laser, though, the process of making another of these terrifying spheres was logically a lot quicker due to having already pulled off the feat once before.

Then you have the fact that the Emperor was more concerned with getting this rushed Death Star fitted with a laser than fully completing it this time around. He just wanted to get rid of the Rebel threat as quickly as possible, and even lured them into discovering the unfinished weapon by leaking information about it in an attempt to wipe them out ASAP.

And just like that, the fact this second superweapon popped up so rapidly suddenly makes a lot more sense.

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