Star Wars: 10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About The Empire

6. TIE Fighters Were Not WORSE Than X-Wings

Star Wars TIE Fighter Pilot

The Galactic Empire boasts some of the most recognisable and coolest vehicles ever to move across a screen.

From the mighty AT-ATs seen stomping their way through snow and sand, to the monstrous Star Destroyers at the centre of many an epic space battle, these baddies move around the galaxy in style.

However, there is one Imperial mode of transport that has been on the receiving end of a ton of unjust disrespect over the years.

The vehicle in question is the roaring TIE (Twin Ion Engine) fighter, a flying eyeball that many feel is completely inferior to the Rebel Alliance's equally iconic X-Wing often seen gunning them down.

But that's not strictly the truth.

The TIE fighter may not have boasted a shield like the X-Wing, but what it lacked in protection it certainly made up for in manoeuvrability and speed, with these unmistakable fighters being able to run rings around the far more cumbersome Rebel ship.

They also required an elite pilot in the cockpit. Said Imperial operatives needed seriously enhanced reflexes and a lack of fear to successfully steer these swift, way less protected vehicles.

So, while they definitely were quite cheap to manufacture and were often blown up with fewer shots than your average X-Wing, those who say the TIE fighters and the people flying them are worse than the Rebels' fighters and their pilots in every way are just plain wrong.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...