Star Wars: 10 Things Fans Need To Know About Admiral Thrawn

4. He Was Against Creating The Death Star

Star Wars Thrawn Anakin

The rebels are not the only thing the Empire had to worry about.

Constant infighting and petty squabbles were commonplace among the ranks of all imperials. Whether it was to gain a slight promotion or to stop a growing rival, imperials were known to undermine or even sabotage each other.

Thrawn had faced his fair share of racist officers attempting to block his rise through the ranks but the only one to best him was Director Orsen Krennic. Funding for Thrawn's own TIE Defender project as well as countless other resources were being siphoned off for an unknown purpose. After some sleuthing, Thrawn discovered Project Stardust which would later become the Death Star.

Not only did Thrawn see the reliance of a single weapon as futile in maintaining galactic order but he harbored fears that the Death Star would eventually be used against his own people. After bringing these grievances directly to Palpatine, Thrawn reluctantly accepted the decision.

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