Star Wars: 10 Things Fans Need To Know About Admiral Thrawn

2. He May Have Been Force Sensitive

Star Wars Thrawn Anakin
Marvel Comcis

One curious fact about the Chiss is that many of their young are naturally force sensitive.

Referred to as the Sight, the majority of force-sensitive children on Csilla were female. Because of the hostile space of the unknown regions, younger Chiss are used to help navigate starships and charter routes using the force. Despite their inherent proficiency in the force, many Chiss lose their connection upon reaching maturity. Vader would eventually comment that it is incredibly hard for him to read Thrawn as he shares almost no connection to the force.

Speaking of maturity, a Chiss mentally ages at a faster rate than most humanoids with them reaching the mindset of an adult in their early teens. The oldest known Chiss to retain their connection to the force is Vah'nya, a 22-year-old navigator aboard Admiral Ar'alani's Chiss Defense Fleet.

It is unknown if Thrawn was ever force-sensitive but given his superiority even among the Chiss it is entirely possible.

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