Star Wars: 10 Things That Didn’t Go The Way George Lucas Wanted
7. Han Definitely Shot First

As time would trickle on by and technology began to present George Lucas with the necessary tools to tinker with his already adored Original Trilogy, it soon became clear that a few seemingly innocuous beats housed within the likes of A New Hope were not to the creator's liking in the slightest.
So, on top of eventually stuffing a dreadful amount of clunky CGI into later special editions of his OG set of flicks, Lucas set about chopping and changing one specific scene involving everyone's favourite smuggler blasting an alien into next week.
With Han Solo infamously firing first in his tense exchange with Greedo on Mos Eisley, Lucas quickly decided that he actually didn't want his loveable scamp to come across as a cold-blooded murderer so early in the Star Wars day.
But his multiple attempts to reframe the moment by letting loose a surreal red laser shot from the green alien's blaster a millisecond before the eventual general does, has only added further fuel to the "Han Shot First" fire and another hilariously clunky sequence to an already perfectly fine 1977 entry.