10. Boba Fett Getting Out of the Sarlaac
This one is mostly wishful thinking and the second of the things that I want to personally see. Of course, this would make this movie a sequel to the original trilogy as opposed to prequel/spin-off, but screw it, I want to see Boba Fett getting out of the Sarlaac. One of the reasons is because Im tired of having the argument so many years later about whether or not Boba Fett is actually dead. I dont care if the movie picks up immediately after Boba Fett falls into the Pit, Boba flies out, looks at the camera, and says GAVIN TOLD YOU I WASNT DEAD and the movie ends. I would be happy with that. No one else would and it would be a box office disaster but in the land of Gavin, that movie would win every Oscar. In all seriousness, it would be cool to see Boba get out of the Pit. The Tales from Jabbas Palace book had a cool chapter on Boba getting out of the Sarlaac and how it tried to convince him to just die. Bobas resiliency, however, allowed him to activate his jetpack and get out. If you make a Boba Fett movie that isnt a prequel, you pretty much have to show this or else it isnt going to make sense. I mean, unless you make a 127 Hours type movie where Boba spends the entire time in the Sarlaac but that sounds like a worse idea than my Boba Fett I TOLD YOU SO movie. Overall, I couldnt be more excited to see where Disney takes the Star Wars franchise as a whole and with these spin-off movies. Hopefully, I have outlined what needs to be in a Boba Fett well enough that Disney can start working on the movie (and give me a cut of that sweet, sweet cash).
Anything I left out that HAS to be in the Boba Fett movie? Drop me a comment below!