Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Anakin Skywalker

7. He Almost Left The Jedi Order At 12 Years-Old

Anakin Skywalker

Jumping back into the earlier years of Anakin's Jedi training now, and to a moment that would actually foreshadow an act that would change the galaxy forever.

With much of the youngster's life being somewhat decided for him throughout his training years, his early exchanges with Chancellor Palpatine - particularly a trip to the sub-levels of Coruscant - eventually led to a few seeds of doubt being planted in the youngling's mind. Before long, Anakin felt that he was fed up with the way his life was panning out and confronted his master Obi-Wan about the prospect of turning his back on the Jedi Order.

In this moment, Anakin went as far as to hold out his lightsaber and tell his master, "This doesn't have to be forever. I can always come back." To which Kenobi responded by trying to get The Chosen One to reconsider.

In the end, another of the pair's many adventures inevitably forced him back into the fold and saw him take up his Jedi weapon once again. But the seeds were very much planted from a young age for his eventual fall...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...