Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Count Dooku

5. He Was The Last Of The Lost 20

Count Dooku
Del Rey

Despite hardly acting as the first Jedi to have turned his back on the Order since its creation thousands of years before the events of the Prequel Trilogy, Dooku's departure from the Light Side did actually come in the thick of what is classed by many as one of the darkest and lowest periods in Jedi history.

Making up part of a group of Jedi Masters known as The Lost Twenty, each and every member of this infamous set of Force-wielders decided to exit the Order on the back of ideological differences with those running the ancient religious order or just the concept of the Jedi altogether.

In short, this lot weren't just teased over to the side of evil with promise of UNLIMITED POWER (!), they very much believed the Jedi were out-and-out wrong.

All twenty of the Lost Jedi were immortalised via bronze busts in the Jedi Archives as a reminder of the imperfections of the Order in the years after their defections and how Jedi Masters must always take the time to improve themselves and learn from their own mistakes.

Dooku acted as the final member of this significant group, earning his own bust seen in an Attack of the Clones deleted scene before the Order was all but wiped out in Revenge of the Sith.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...