Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About R2-D2

9. R2-D2 Earned Mace Windu's Respect When Anakin Couldn't

R2D2 Facts

There's no denying Mace Windu is one of the toughest Masters on the Jedi Council. He has high standards that he expects young Jedi to meet, which is particularly hard for the reckless, impulsive Anakin Skywalker. This creates a rift between them that eventually leads to Windu's death, with Anakin siding with Palpatine to destroy him.

While Anakin never earned Mace Windu's respect, the same can't be said for his droid. In a three-episode arc from The Clone Wars' second season, a young Boba Fett infiltrates Mace Windu's Star Destroyer, hoping to take revenge on him for the death of his father Jango. He sabotages the engines, causing the ship to crash, and planting explosives which leave Anakin and Mace trapped in the wreckage of the ship's bridge.

It might have all been over for the two Jedi if it wasn't for R2-D2. The plucky droid escaped the wreckage, fighting off bounty hunters, taking on hungry gundarks, and even managing to outrun Aurra Sing, making his way back to the Jedi Temple and bringing back a team to rescue Anakin and Mace.

Despite his initial doubts about the droid's abilities, after his rescue, Mace Windu thanked R2, telling the plucky astromech that he'd earned his respect.

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Huge fan of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Watches anything with Liam Neeson in it.