Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Sith

8. The Sith Can't Become Force Ghosts

darth vader immortal

As previously noted, Darth Bane did pop up as a vision of sorts during Yoda's quest to learn how to manifest his life after death in The Clone Wars series. But this was little more than a test designed by the Force Priestesses to see whether they could convince the great Master to join the dark side.

Unlike the various Jedi legends who have discovered the secrets to immortality through the Force, the Sith can't actually become Force Ghosts after death.

That's not to say the dark side users haven't figured out their own creepy ways to cheat death over the years, though.

Take Darth Sidious, for example. That wrinkly menace opted to transfer his soul into a clone body in the wake of being chucked down a reactor shaft in Return of the Jedi.

And while Darth Vader did technically show up as a Force Ghost after his death in that same Star Wars film, this only went down after Anakin Skywalker had saved his son, redeemed himself, and seen the light during his final moments.

Simply put, the Sith have some funky ways to continue causing chaos after dying, but they still don't have it in them to go all blue after biting the dust.

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