Star Wars: 10 Things You Never Knew About Ahsoka Tano

5. Yoda Taught Ahsoka A Unique Form Of Lightsaber Combat

Ahsoka Arrow

Sometime early in her apprenticeship, Ahsoka began using two lightsabers, a form known as Jar'Kai. The reason for the switch is unknown, but knowing Lucasfilm it probably had something to do with toy sales.

To accomplish this combat style, Ahsoka had to build a second lightsaber. This would be a shorter saber meant to complement her primary one. The shorter lightsaber was called a shoto-style and was the same style lightsaber used by Yoda.

In her sparring sessions with Anakin, Ahsoka had a hard time getting used to her second blade. During one of these sessions, Anakin disarmed Ahsoka while Yoda watched on.

At that point, Yoda decided to intervene because, I guess, it'd been a while since he'd schooled a padawan. He engaged Ahsoka in a sparring session and was able to easily knock her down twice. He then told her:

"What makes you unique makes you strong. This you must use. Yourself, you must always be."

What does this mean? No freaking clue. Seriously, why does Yoda have to talk like this? I bet it drives everyone in the Jedi Temple insane. But apparently, Ahsoka got the message.

"I think I understand. I need to fight like myself."

The lesson rubbed off, as we see by Rebels that Ahsoka is an absolute wrecking ball with her dual-wielded lightsabers.


John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at