Star Wars: 10 Things You Never Knew About Ahsoka Tano

2. Despite Fan Speculation, She Probably Is Alive During The Rise Of Skywalker

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Did you know that Ahsoka had a small cameo in the Rise of Skywalker? No? You didn't because you've spent the last six months trying to forget that movie ever existed?

Kidding, JJ Abrams! There are plenty of great things to come out of that movie. There's Babu Frik, and… Well, that's all that comes to mind right now, but surely there's more!

One thing that may have disappointed fans was the blink-and-you-miss-it Ahsoka cameo. In fact, you don't even see her. You do, however, hear her. She's one of the many Jedi voices giving Rey - uh… Skywalker - a spiritual pep talk in her final battle with old zombie-gramps, Palpatine.

The problem? All the other Jedi during this voice-over are dead, leading fans to assume that Ahsoka is deceased by the time of Rise of Skywalker.

Thankfully, Dave Filioni has spoken out to put this fan speculation to rest. There is no reason for us to assume our favorite Jedi padawan has shrugged off her mortal coil. Speaking to i09, Filioni said:

"I have to wonder with Star Wars fans. They seem to watch the movies, but they don't take all the lessons. They deal a lot in absolutes, which is very much a Sith thing. I remember in The Empire Strikes Back Luke speaking out through the Force to Leia. Vader also does this at the end of Empire Strikes Back. There's no absoluteness that these people are dead."

Two things to take away from this comment:

A; There's no reason to assume that Ahsoka is dead. She may have been speaking to Rey through the Force. And B; did Filoni just compare us all to Sith Lords?

How dare he! Star Wars fans have never dealt in absolutes!

Absolutely NEVER!


John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at