Star Wars: 10 Treats We Want From Disney Before 2015

9. Continue The Clone Wars Animated Series

disney star wars6 A couple of weekends back The Clone Wars Season 5 ended and it felt as if it could very well be the ultimate end to the entire series (even though there are a ton of loose ends left to tie up). There€™s now a lot of talk about the show moving from Carton Network to Disney XD, but no real word on if this is a definite. For me, the Clone Wars has grown into something very special. The writers got comfortable with what they wanted to do stories about, never afraid to go too dark or too emotional and after a shaky start, really got a grasp on their characters and what they could do with them. Of course, The Clone Wars has to end at some point, mainly because there€™s only so much they can do before Episode III rolls around, but if it is moved across to Disney XD, it would be nice to have at least one more season of pre- Episode III Clone Wars. Of course, we€™re greedy, so it would be nice if the team were then able to do a post-Episode III series or even a post Episode VI series to tie us closer to where Episode VII might be starting from. Either way, the team on The Clone Wars have done incredible work over five seasons, and if anyone is going to take on more Star Wars TV projects in the future it should be these guys. Don€™t keep us in the dark Disney, let us know what plans you have for Snips and the Jedi soon please.

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