Star Wars: 12 Homages To Classic Cinema In The Last Jedi

9. Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane Mirror

Orson Welles' seminal classic may seem like a hefty load for a Star Wars film, but when Johnson goes for it, he really goes for it.

Rey's cave sequence on Ahch-To has a direct visual homage to a legendary shot from Welles' masterpiece. When Rey reaches out to touch the reflective surface inside of the cave, she becomes entrapped within it. Here, she sees a never-ending line of multiple versions of herself, all of which mimic the reactions of her own, delayed by mere seconds.

In Citizen Kane, a rather crucial shot sees Kane himself passing between a hallway with two mirrors. As he does so, the mirror we see creates a visual illusion, displaying an infinite line of Kanes, all of which are slightly delayed repetitions of one another.

This homage is a subtle but brilliant one, as Kane and Rey find themselves in similar places thematically. Whereas Kane wishes to return to the joyful bliss of his childhood, Rey wishes to return to the sense of belonging she feels she will find in her parents, who abandoned her as a child. They are both caught up in their childhood issues, and this visual representation of the ramifications and uncertainty of their actions is incredibly astute.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.