Star Wars: 15 Things The Movies Stole From The Expanded Universe

6. A Bunch Of Shadows Of The Empire's Ships Appeared In The Special Editions

The Special Editions weren't all about Han not shooting first and Jabba having a funky band - there were a lot of other, more minor alterations and additions that turned the original masterpieces into overstuffed irritations. One of the biggest was the addition of a lot of elements from Shadows Of The Empire, the massive multimedia event from the year before that filled in the story gaps between The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi (turns out neither Boba Fett nor Luke and co. headed straight to Jabba's Palace).

Biggest of all, the Outrider, the ship of badass Han Solo replacement Dash Rendar which looks exactly like what you'd draw if you were told to make another Millennium Falcon, only cooler can be seen taking off from the now-bustling Mos Eisley as Luke and Obi-Wan enter.

But there's plenty of other video game elements brought across from what was then the biggest new bit of Star Wars since Return Of The Jedi; an Imperial Landing Craft taking off in the expanded desert combing scene, as well as a swoop bike and ASP Droids in some of the unnecessary comedy beats in Mos Eisley.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.