Star Wars: 5 Awesome Reveals From The Disney D23 Expo (And 2 That Are Worrying)

The Awesome:

5. A New Drew Struzan Poster (Oh, And Finn's A Jedi)

Drew Struzan has been a Star Wars institution since the Special Editions, and unlike everything else involved in those CGI lathered re-releases, he's had nothing but a positive impact on the Star Wars saga. His hand-drawn posters for the SE and prequels are gorgeous, defining representations of each movie that even the most cynical fan has a soft spot for. He's come out of retirement for The Force Awakens, delivering this beautiful one-sheet that highlights several of Episode VII's key characters and generally playing with the series' iconography. Sadly this is a D23 exclusive, available only at the expo in very limited numbers, so the odds of any of us not there ultimately owning one are low, although that does open up the chance for another Struzan design down the line. The big reveal here is that Finn's a Jedi, or at the very least is going to be using Anakin/Luke's old lightsaber (ironic given that it'll probably be against Vader fanboy Kylo Ren), and reaffirmation that the film's lead is Rey, a nice parallel to Luke in that Daisy Ridley, like Mark Hamill in 1977, is a total unknown. Also note the light style from Cloud City's Carbon Freezing Chamber at the moment. Whether this is just a stylistic callback (see also the original Revenge Of The Jedi - long story - poster) or a hint we'll be returning to Bespin (hey, if Ren really is all about Anakin, why not relive the first time he met his son) is unclear, although no rumours that I've come across have suggested the latter. Hmmm...

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.