Star Wars: 5 Awesome Reveals From The Disney D23 Expo (And 2 That Are Worrying)

1. Who Cares About Star Wars Theme Parks?

Growing up any time after 1977, the concept of a Star Wars theme park was an idea so valuable you'd trade a mint-in-box Yak Face to get a stake in it. And so it's no surprise that Disney have announced they're going to be adding two massive Star Wars Lands to Disneyland, Anaheim and Walt Disney World, Orlando. Set in a fully-realised spaceport populated by real people and creatures from the saga, it intends to be a truly immersive experience, with two rides already announced - a chance to pilot the Millennium Falcon and another that puts you in the middle of a massive battle. Sounds cool, right? Well, kinda, but why is everyone seemingly super excited for something that is really going to be the reserve of American children? Look, the idea of a Star Wars theme park is brilliant and I'm under no illusions that this will be awesome, but once you face the reality that this isn't some John Hammond venture designed to give everyone in the world the chance to go to that galaxy far, far way, but part of the Disneyland resorts, it becomes something to shrug off before even considering going. There's a reason why it's the LA-based outlets that have been getting super excited about this - they'll actually get to visit it. To them it's a brand new treat in their backyard. For everyone else though, it's something to see adverts for and hypothesise a visit before you see the cost, or consider the feasibility of travelling halfway round the world to visit Disneyland, and decide against it. On a side note, for anyone over at Disney or Lucasfilm reading this, if you wanted to fly me over to Anaheim or Orlando (I'm not picky) to cover the opening of the new areas, all expenses paid, I'd be delighted to. What did you make of all the Star Wars announcements at D23? Are you excited for the Parks and Trevorrow? Let us know what you think down in the comments.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.