Star Wars: 5 Reasons Why Joe Johnston Should Direct Boba Fett Movie

Boba Fett

Ever since Disney purchased the rights to LucasFilm, Star Wars fans have wondered €“ will the beloved Boba Fett return from the mouth of the Sarlacc on Tatooine? With recent rumours swirling around Star Wars spin-off films, it seems as if the stand alone Boba Fett feature may become a reality. What better character to make a protagonist of his own film? He is the coolest bounty hunter to ever grace the cinema screen.

Of course, one of the most important decisions to make before embarking on this galactic production is to choose a director. Here are five reasons why Joe Johnston is the right helmer for the right time.

5. Original Creator

boba fett What better man to make a film about Boba Fett than his maker? Joe Johnston, at the time a concept artist, developed the designs that led to the cult favorite character. Along with fellow concept artist Ralph McQuarrie, Johnston stylized and created a remarkable villain with the perfect combination of awe and mystery. Since then, Johnston has blossomed into an effective and successful Hollywood director. He can undoubtedly handle the Herculean task of making his original concept work into its own amazing stand alone film. At the very least, he deserves the right of first refusal. Considering everything, Johnston is just as much a father to Boba as Jango Fett was.

Anthony Aggimenti has written, produced, and directed short films that have been screened at a variety of film festivals and on television. He is a graduate of New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, where he received a BFA in Film/TV Production and a minor in Political Science. Anthony is currently working on several feature length screenplays including a crime comedy, sci-fi/horror, and 1940s period piece. He seeks financiers, producers, agents, or others that may make his celluloid dreams a reality. Anthony loves all types of films, current events/politics, and the global game - soccer, football, calcio or whatever you personally call it! You may contact the author via email at