3. Spectacle Is Not Enough
Empty spectacle has failed to derail even the biggest film projects in recent years: The Dark Knight Rises may receive blind, unending adulation from certain quarters, but that film was hamstrung and unable to realise its own expectations by an imbalance between the finer details and spectacle. The space opera label, and the precedents set by each of the first six Star Wars episodes both mean that spectacle is part and parcel of any subsequent movies under the same franchise. Indeed, any Star Wars film without impressive set-pieces would be an abomination, but substance is as important an element to give the films heart. Abrams' approach to Star Trek Into Darkness was well-balanced, with both elements pushing against one another to good effect, even if there were some superfluous romantic details that were unwelcome distractions. And that too is key Star Wars fans have now had two grand romances, with the latter given more focus than the drama of the story somewhat fatally, and Disney would do well to avoid turning Star Wars into a love saga, as opposed to a sci-fi one.