Star Wars: 7 Things Revealed About Snoke Since The Last Jedi (And 3 That Need Answering)

What Needs Answering

3. Is He Really Dead?

Star Wars The Last Jedi Rey Kylo Throne Room

With regards to the sequel trilogy, fans are desperate to know if Snoke will return. There is a feeling, based on comments made by Andy Serkis, Rian Johnson and many, many more, that we may not have seen the last of the First Order leader. After all, he has featured prominently in the marketing for the digital releases of The Last Jedi and that alone hints there is more going on than first meets the eye.

Because even though The Last Jedi is an outstanding film, it's certainly divisive. A quick scan of Reddit can tell you that, with some clamouring for his return and others adopting the idea that Snoke’s death was necessary to develop the intriguing character of Kylo Ren. Both parties, for all their frustrations, are right.

Serkis himself has admitted he could yet return:

“Look, it’s Star Wars, so you never know how life, or whether life can be come back to or not. Whether you can be resuscitated or brought back. I was shocked. Dramatically, it felt absolutely right for that moment in the film, so I didn’t question it. I just think it’s a very, very important scene, so I didn’t question it. But I do, I know it’s left fans feeling like, that they were really searching for something there. And what I’m saying is, who knows?”
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