Star Wars: 7 Ways Episodes 8 And 9 Could Actually Improve The Prequels
How to make the Force stronger in chapters one to three.

The Star Wars prequels are some of the most divisive films ever committed to celluloid, and there are fans across the cosmos who want nothing more than to see them detached from the saga's canon and jettisoned into deep space.
Others will tell you Revenge of the Sith saw the trilogy go out on a high, even though it was marred by many of the same issues as the previous two movies, from bad CGI to wooden performances and wafer-thin screenplays.
Looking at Episodes I, II and III objectivly, there are positives to pick out from this polarising period in Star Wars history, whether it's the memorable villains like Darth Maul or the furious Lightsaber duels, and they're canon whether the fans like it or not.
References to the events of the prequels were minimal in The Force Awakens, but the best course of action going forward isn't to ignore these films, but embrace the best aspects of them and build on some of the lore they laid down.
The Last Jedi and Episode IX have the chance to unify all three Star Wars trilogies, and one way they could do this is by weaving the prequel trilogy's biggest ideas into their plots and challenging how the audience interprets them.
7. Dispelling The Mystery Around Anakin's Conception

You won't find many Star Wars fans who are willing to accept the midichlorian-centric explanation for Anakin Skywalker’s apparent immaculate conception in The Phantom Menace, even though it's the official party line from George Lucas himself.
Although this plot point came from the horse's mouth, it comes with a side helping of mystery because Ani's mother Shmi is vague on the topic, telling Qui-Gon Jinn the bare minimum: “There was no father,” she explains. "I can't explain what happened".
Qui-Gon theorises that Vader's birth was the handiwork of midichlorians, hinting at a sentience in the Force, but it's important to note that this is merely a theory. The whole thing is open to interpretation, and Episode's VIII and IX have the opportunity to revisit Anakin's hazy origin, fill in the gaps and improve his character arc for the better.
A connection between Darth Vader and the sequel trilogy's shadowy big bad Snoke has long been rumoured, with some fans predicting that the First Order leader had a hand in the infamous Sith Lord's conception.
Revenge of the Sith referenced a character called Darth Plagueis who has the ability to manipulate midichlorians to create life. Even if Snoke doesn't turn out to be Plagueis like some amateur theorists are claiming, the fact this power exists within the Star Wars universe suggests a third party could have been involved in Ani's birth.