Star Wars: 7 Ways That Palpatine Could Return For Rise Of Skywalker

4. Attack Of The Clone

star wars episode 9 snoke palpatine

In Legends, the old lore of Star Wars books and comics from before Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm, Palpatine had a strangely specific infatuation with clones.

Not only were there entire stories based around Palpatine’s plan of cloning Luke Skywalker from the hand he lost in his duel to Darth Vader in Empire Strikes Back, but there was also an entire series of comics, Dark Empire, which detailed the continued trials and tribulations of Luke, Han, and Leia as they fought against a resurrected Palpatine in several different clone bodies.

Of course, the most interesting part of is that Palpatine’s mind would only move from one clone to the next after his current body was destroyed, leading some to already begin speculating (put on your tin hats, folks) that perhaps Snoke was just a clone of Palpatine this whole time.

Now with his demise in The Last Jedi, Palpatine’s mind has finally moved back to a more familiar form.


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