Star Wars: 8 Ways The Rise Of Skywalker Sets Up Episode 10

1. A Completely New Character Takes The Reigns

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Finn the Force

Having talked about how each main character's story could possibly continue, we should also mention that they've all reached pretty good end points too, with Episode IX setting things up nicely for an all-new face to take the story baton in Episode X.

Rey knows who she is, has come to terms with her abilities, and has chosen to continue the Skywalker name; Ben Solo is dead; and Poe will (presumably) start to build the Resistance up into the Galactic Republic. These are all good conclusions, and it's really only Finn - who has just discovered something life-altering about himself - who is crying out for more story.

But on that note, the fact that Finn has the Force is an example of something that would make it easy for Star Wars to continue on into Episode X with a completely new protagonist: the idea of "the Force can choose anyone".

We've already seen broom boy in The Last Jedi, and Finn just re-affirmed it: there are hundreds, if not thousands of Force-sensitive beings out there, and Episode X could focus in on any one of them. Maybe Star Wars could take a Marvel-like approach and introduce "Phases" - the first nine episodes are the Skywalker Saga, so the next nine could be the "Insert Character Name Here" Saga.

Each trilogy has started with a new protagonist - with legacy characters in supporting roles - so this is the most likely option, and while bloodlines have always been an important part of Star Wars, the "hero from nothing" trope has been even bigger, and Episode X could go in any number of exciting directions because of that.


If Episode X were to get made, what would you want it to be about? Let us know in the comments below!


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