Star Wars Cassian Andor: 10 Rebels Characters Who Need To Appear

8. Agent Kallus

Star Wars Rebels Hera Syndulla

Not including Kallus would be perhaps the biggest missed opportunity that Lucasfilm could possibly make with Cassian Andor. Working for the Empire, Kallus pursued the Ghost Crew across the galaxy, until one of the Rebels' heroes changed his mind.

Kallus shed his Imperial armor and started working for the Rebellion instead. In Rogue One, Bodhi Rook deserts from the Empire and eventually ends up serving the Rebel Alliance. Wouldn't this development here function to be a perfect parallel?

Interestingly enough, Kallus doesn't work for the Rebellion as a simple agent, either. He becomes a Fulcrum - one of the few that we know of so far - meaning he could possibly work closely with Cassian.

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A journalism student, cosplayer & enthusiast of all space things. Passionate about popculture.