Star Wars Episode 7: 10 Key Questions In Where The Saga Can Go From Here?

7. Leia & Han

Star Wars Saga N10 I said in my previous articles that I see Luke as the rebirth of the Jedi and Leia as very much the rebirth of the Republic. Now I don€™t know if we€™re going to see her in any sort of leadership capacity but it makes sense that she plays a key part in keeping the new Republic in order, given that she played the political circuit during her turn in the rebellion and now it seems to be a logical step for her to become the sort of figure her mother was in the prequels. Additionally, with kids, this enables Leia to fit into a reduced role because I doubt Disney are going to drop cash on a movie just having old Luke, Leia and Han fighting evil throughout the galaxy far, far away. Having Leia as the mother to the new breed of Padawan kids with Luke training, has an almost beautiful feel to it as a prospect for the sequels. The remaining two Skywalker family members could have quite literally made the galaxy a better place, as good willed Sith always seemed to want to do. However Han Solo comes with a bit of a head scratching part to play. Harrision Ford always wanted Han to die at the end of Jedi. He basically knew that what we all loved Han Solo for was all but over. He€™s settled down, he€™s in love, he€™s fighting the good fight and he€™s not exactly the shooting first kinda guy any more. The Han Solo role in these sequels could be tough and more than likely greatly reduced. I see him probably offering a different point of view on the galaxy to his kids, even if it counters Luke€™s training as a Jedi. Han may be dropping them some tips on blaster use but still very much the supportive husband to Leia and the new family. Now, I know that€™s not what Solo fanboys want to hear but it makes sense post Return of the Jedi that Han Solo has a laid back life. He€™s not all about money any more, he€™s won the fight, he€™s in love but let€™s not pass Han his slippers and pipe just yet, stick with me as I have other ideas for Han in a few more clicks.

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