Star Wars Episode 7: 10 Key Questions In Where The Saga Can Go From Here?

2. 30 Years of Imagination

Star Wars Saga N12 Guess what kids, no matter how good this new Star Wars movie is, you've got a better one in your head. That€™s right. Since 1977 you've generated more €˜better€™ Star Wars films in your head than you will ever see on screen. Of course most of those ideas are probably rubbish when you really break them down. Like my idea previously they€™re great in your head but really they are probably only really half ideas or moments that you'd like to see in a movie as opposed to the entire map of a movie trilogy. All of our ideas are slivers of expanded universe, a dash of gaming, a sprinkle of what you would have done better in the prequels and your favourite sub character action figure promoted to a starring role. In your head you want it darker, grittier, you want flashier visuals or epic force powers. You want more battles and less romance, you want funny but not too funny, comedy but not hi-jinks, you want€ well a whole lot because frankly you care about Star Wars. But it takes more than that. We live in a world where we think our opinion really counts when it comes to film making. We live in a world where less than mediocre flicks make serious bank while truly great films struggle to find their audience. We also live in a world where it€™s much easier to air our thoughts on the negatives than it is to celebrate the positives. Sadly, the Star Wars sequels are destined to cause a disturbance in the fanboy force. For some, the prequels were not the backstory of Anakin Skywalker they desired (though if you look, they really were) and it caused a civil war of for vs. against the return of Star Wars. The sequels have an added struggle. Since 1983 we€™re imagined what happened next for 30 years. Through our toys, our expanded universe comics and books. Through our games, our fan fiction, our conversations and even our arguments. The crazy thing is though; I doubt many people started that debate with €œ30 years after Return of the Jedi€€. I don€™t think many contemplated an old Luke Skywalker, at least not one without any stories leading up to it. Few envisioned an old happy Han Solo settled down with Leia. Many probably threw in Sith but without any real grounds for their re-emergence. This MIGHT be a good thing for the new trilogy because the potential 30 year gap enables a fresh start of sorts but Michael Arndt, J.J, Abrams and whoever else they get involved with these new Star Wars movies has a struggle on their hands. The new team behind Star Wars has a mountain to climb and sadly us fans are as much as a hindrance as we are what€™s driving the film€™s success. I for one will be dissecting every little nugget of information that comes out of these projects whether I really want to or not, it€™s just how I'm wired at this stage. I€™ll also probably get quite intricate with my coming to terms with revealed elements over the next decade but for Episode VII, like with the prequels, it has to come down to the final product. Excitement will of course generate hype and hype always ends with sections of disappointment but as long as these new films feel and play like Star Wars, I€™ll count myself as a one happy Wookie. But , really, we€™re missing one more unappreciated element€

Marcus has recently released his first Game on the App Store. Check out Turtle E here and @KeySecretStudio #TurtleEgame for more.