Star Wars Episode 7: 10 Things To Expect From JJ Abrams

8. Everything You Thought You Knew... You Didn't Know

lost J.J. Abrams is kind of like M. Night Shyamalan in the sense that he loves the idea of keeping you guessing and talking about what you've just seen until you're blue in the face. So don't be surprised when he evokes, Lost style, to end his Star Wars flick with a revelation that turns everything you've just seen upside down and inside out. You know, the kind of moment that would feel at home cutting to a title card abruptly afterwards. Okay, so it's likely nothing here is going to be that bad, but Abrams has always relied on twists and turns to keep his movies and TV shows interesting. Hopefully Michael Arndt's script will be left to do all the talking, and J.J. Abrams can just focus on the lens flare. Oh, did I say lens flare?
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