2. John Hurt

Why John Hurt? Star Wars seems to run through a lot of older and more respected actors so it only seems right that John Hurt should be the next more mature actor to take up a Lightsaber or a Blaster. He's RADA trained, and has over five decades of experience and four BAFTAs to his name. Casting such a talented and experienced actor should be a no-brainer. Especially since Star Wars has a practice of getting at least one high calibre actor onboard for each film. If that trend continues for Episode 7, Hurt should fill that role. Also, his role as John Merrick in The Elephant Man also showed that he's very capable of delivering an incredibly emotive and affecting performance while wearing heavy prosthetics. The use of which is always a possibility in Star Wars.
Who Could He Play? An older and less action-orientated Jedi Master who acts as more of a mentor than a fighter.