As it happens, we don't actually know a whole bunch about Star Wars Episode VII. Director JJ Abrams' resurrection of the sci-fi phenomenon will, presumably, take us back to a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, but even that's yet to be confirmed. We know the cast list, but nothing about the characters the ensemble will be playing. Besides the returning actors, anyway, but have we any clue what Luke Skywalker and Han Solo are going to be up to in their dotage? Nope. There has been a continuous flow of speculation, rumour and potential spoilers since the new Star Wars trilogy was announced, but nothing's set in stone yet. No official on-set photos, no trailer, we don't even know what the darn subtitle is yet. How does JJ do it? How is he keeping the lid on a mystery box that's got more eyes on it than Cloverfield, Super 8 and the series finale of Lost put together? Well, based on a tweet sent from the film's London set by fellow filmmaker Frank Marshall, it could be thanks to this poster. "Excited to be here at Pinewood, but mum's the word..." tweeted Marshall, the producer of such hits as the Indiana Jones series and (notably) husband of Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy. The poster comes from a series of propaganda-style designs by comic book artist Cliff Chiang, and apparently does hang up in an office of the London film studio where Star Wars Episode VII is currently being filmed under a veil of secrecy. Pretty cute. The only thing more terrifying than a non-disclosure agreement, after all, is the threat of being force-choked by Lord Vader. But what does this mean? Is it just a fun little joke? Is it confirmation that Vader may be appearing in the new film after all, possibly in flashback, as some have speculated? And will he be played by a professional wrestler from Ireland? Honestly, this doesn't tell us much, but it is kinda cool. Let the rumours continue, albeit never confirmed...
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at